Possibility Team of Longueuil, Québec, Canada
This activity takes place in the program of the nonprofit association Santé mentale Québec Rive-Sud. The PDFs present distinctions from « Possibility Management ». You can download the PDFs, written in French, by clicking on the image or the title. |
The Themes 2022-2023
The Themes 2021-2022
Understanding vs. Not-Understanding
Reducing the Now The Ego-States Feedback and Coaching Linearity and Non-Linearity Fear The Box Five Bodies My Roles My desire which brings me here |
Saison 2022-2023
The PDF contains 2 experiments. Distinction : Acceptance is not something you can learn, but a place in your energy body, available at all times. You can navigate there. Acceptance of anything brings the inner peace you long for. |
Vulnerability and Possibilities
The PDF contains 2 experiments. Distinction : When you are confused on behalf of a subject, you tend to stay in a ping-pong of mental arguments without finding clarity. Instead, explore the "pro" in your five bodies in depth first, then the "contra". |
Intimacy i
The PDF contains 2 experiments (Spark-070). Distinction : Intimacy doesn't happen between boxes, but between beings in the present moment. There's an unavoidable price to pay for experiencing intimacy : be willing to step out of rules and customs, experience raw fear and let go of all expectations. |
Le PDF contient 4 expériences. Distinction : People around you have expectations of you. To free yourself, you have to be the black sheep and apply being a conscious asshole. Freedom is not a "permission" from others, but an ability that you offer to yourself. |
Security (2)
The PDF contains 3 experiments (Spark-142). Distinction : Your insecurity is the fear of feeling your unconscious fear. The invitation of insecurity is to transform unconscious fear into conscious fear. Conscious fear can be navigated like the surfer riding the wave. |
Security (1)
The PDF contains 2 experiments. Distinction : Safety is a concept of your box to seek comfort. Your Being aspires to fulfill its mission. One is not better than the other. But it helps to know what you're really doing. You already have the antennae to make the distinction. Don't lie to yourself ! |
Archetypal Gardien
The PDF contains 2 experiments. Distinction : The shift from possession to loan is radical, because it changes you at the deepest level. The universe entrusts you with more responsibility. You learn to value the gift, the universe's generosity, the joy of keeping the loan in good condition. You live in gratitude. |
Attention (2)
The PDF contains 2 experiments. Distinction : Your attention is normally put to sleep by identifying with your body, thoughts, and emotions. When you observe everything with non-directive attention without judgment and without intervention, each thing is new and you experience ecstasy. |
Attention (1)
The PDF contains 2 experiments (Spark-007). Distinction : Your environment tries constantly to capture your attention. So the first thing to learn is to own your attention. There are two forms of attention : point attention and field attention. You can also split your attention in order to keep your center at any moment. |
Being at the Edge
The PDF contains one experiment. Distinction : Are you ready to familiarize yourself with your fear? At the edge, you discover that there are several doors: the back door into the comfort zone, the front door into boldness, and, brand new, the side doors to stay in the learning zone. |
Being Yes
The PDF contains 2 experiments. Distinction : Much more often than you think, you are a "no" to life, especially when you apply your automatisms, e.g. the phrase "But I have other plans". Change your point of origin to a "Yes" to life. Thus, you are synchronized with the universe. |
Contract Beyond
The PDF contains 2 experiments. Distinction : Do you feel victimized by another person's reluctance to change ? The truth is, you hired that person for your evolution. Every individual, every moment, every gesture of someone, whether you like it or not, serves your liberation. |
Rejection (3)
The PDF contains one experiment. Distinction : Commit to consciously experiencing rejection. Stay still between the energy of rejection from the outside and the energy of your reaction inside. Observe your pain at this intersection. And the fire of silence will burn everything that you are not. |
Rejection (2)
The PDF contains 2 experiments. (Spark-49). Distinction : You are conditioned to think that you need reasonable reasons to behave outside the norm. Error ! Commit to some experiments by doing a non-linear action once with and once without giving a reason. Then explore the degree of your fear. |
Rejection (1)
The PDF contains 2 experiments. Distinction : Your "child" ego state will always react to rejection. The problem is not your child's reaction, but the fact that it in charge at the moment of rejection. You need to decontaminate your adult space. Then you can comfort your "scared child" part. |
The PDF contains 2 experiments. Distinction : Do you want to change your behavior ? This means you're judging yourself. Your resolutions won't work as long as you're judging yourself. Instead, cultivate non-judgmental self-observation. "By observing a phenomenon, you modify it" (Heisenberg) |
Changing Your Mind
The PDF contains 2 experiments. Distinction : Following a decision once made is a virtue. However, it also happens that you cling to a decision that no longer makes sense. Allow yourself to change your mind. Welcome your emotions and start the conversation with "I changed my mind." |
Negociable and Non-Negociable
The PDF contains 2 experiments. Distinction : Do you find it difficult to set boundaries ? And if you do so, do you feel guilty, do you seek the other person's approval, do you fall into responsible victimhood or unhealthy adaptivity ? Distinguish clearly between the negotiable and the non-negotiable. |
Purpose Sniffer (2)
The PDF contains one experiment. Distinction : Guilt is a confused state that your Gremlin taught you as a child in order to retain the love of your parents. Underneath guilt you find bright intentions. To discover them, you must first identify your shadow intentions. |
Purpose Sniffer (1)
The PDF contains 2 experiments. Distinction : There are always two intentions simultaneously : a bright one and a dark one. Become aware of both intentions. Go one step further and speak the dark intention out loud before you do what you want to do. That way, the dark intention loses its power over you. |
Hope (2)
The PDF contains 2 experiments. Distinction : Horizontal hope is a promise for the future, avoiding the pain that's alive in you right now. Whereas vertical hope is an extension of space in the present moment, in which your pain can flourish until it fades. |
Hope (1)
The PDF contains 3 experiments. Distinction : "Solution" listening is what we normally do. It requires effort on your part. Elephant listening, also known as possibility listening, is effortless. You are the space into which the other person can deposit anything, without any need for you to understand. |
Triangle of Empowerment (2)
The PDF contains one experiment. Distinction : There are three fundamental forces that every human being possesses : asking - choosing - declaring. Experience the power of declaration by transforming the persecutor into a challenger and the rescuer into a coach. You'll thus go from victim to creator. |
Triangle of Empowerment (1)
The PDF contains 2 experiments. Distinction : When you complain, you're automatically in the role of the powerless victim in Stephen Karpman's famous Low Drama Triangle. This awareness is a prerequisite for applying David Emerald's Triangle of Empowerment. |
Speaking to the Potential (2)
The PDF contains one experiment. Distinction : Do you know a behavior of yourself hiding in a group how you feel about a subject because you're afraid of other people's reactions ? That means you're in touch with their boxes. Speak to the group's potential and you are free. Just say what you want to say once. That's all ! |
Speaking to the Potential (1)
The PDF contains 3 experiments. Distinction : Do this experiment with someone who seems ignorant or opposed to you. Keep your Gremlin on a short leash. Address the person's potential. Accept that the situation is unfair. Constantly make offers. Don't worry about the outcome. Keep your joy ! |
The Illusion of Good and Bad
The PDF contains 3 experiments. Distinction : When you live in the categories of good/bad, right/wrong, too much/not enough, you live in the urge to be right. When you live without judgment, but simply observing the consequences of your actions, you see the human in yourself and in all others. |
Responsibility (2)
The PDF contains 2 experiments. Distinction : As soon as you become aware of something, you carry greater responsibility, whether you like it or not. You don't like responsibility. Your mind needs instructions to switch from the old map of responsibility to the new one. |
Responsibility (1)
The PDF contains 2 experiments. Distinction : When you fall into "victim" mode, you give up your power. In order to reclaim your power recount the events of your life in a responsible way by saying "I chose to experience this because I want to learn ... ". |
Energy Flow
The PDF contains 3 experiments. Distinction : Do you have trouble sorting out your possessions ? If so, ask yourself "Does this give me energy ?" or "Does this cost me energy ?" The same questions to your five bodies and ego-states bring additional clarity. |
Presence in Relating
The PDF contains 3 experiments. Distinction : In everyday life, we confound emotional love, which is conditional and therefore temporary, with universal love, which is unconditional, everlasting and indestructible. Only universal love is real; the other is nostalgic bullshit. |
Unconditional Joy
The PDF contains one experiment. Distinction : You are energy. The others are energy. When energy meets energy, it wants to pass through you. Often you block this passage. Open your heart and stay connected to the energy flowing through you no matter what happens. Never stop going beyond. |
Season 2021-2022
Everything is Neutral
The PDF contains 3 experiments (Spark-4 and Spark-38). Distinction : What is is ! Its existence has no meaning. The human mind adds meaning. This habit keeps you in your box. Slow down ! Notice the things your box leaves without comment. Find the moment before your box adds meaning. |
Feeling Cycle
The PDF contains 3 experiments. Distinction : Where are your unexpressed emotions? They are in your five bodies, tightened, often clumped together in an unrecognizable knot like for example shame. In the Feeling Circle, you can untangle them with the help of your four ego states and your four feelings. |
Expansive Learning
The PDF contains 3 experiments (Spark-98). Distinction : Defensive learning assumes that you already know the most important things you need to know. So you can only learn what you already know. Expansive learning assumes that you know almost nothing. Everything new is openly accepted and received for its own sake. |
You Don't Make Enough Mistakes
The PDF contains 3 experiments (Spark-102). Distinction : An error is any result not contained in the initial expectations. Whether you see something as a mistake or not depends on the context. You need errors to reveal who you are. Become the autonomous authority of yourself in order to live the mission of your Being. |
Wanting and Receiving
The PDF contains 3 experiments (Spark-82). Distinction : Do you have desires like to feel fully heard and understood, or to live your life full out ? Wanting is a recipe for not getting it. Shift your point of origin to "Right now, the universe is in the process to give me what I want" and you live abundance. |
The Next Question
The PDF contains 3 experiments. Distinction : Life constantly asks you non-specific questions like "Who are you right now?" or "Why are you doing what you're doing in this specific moment ?" These questions are an invitation to realize that your life is creation at every moment. You are the creator ! |
Walls and Doorways
The PDF contains 3 experiments (Spark-226). Distinction : In a relationship, you perceive a wall as an obstacle. What prevents you from creating passage after passage through what you currently perceive as a wall ? You create a doorway by consciously making non-linear proposals. Keep going ! |
Our Buttons and Hooks
The PDF contains 3 experiments (Spark-131). Distinction : How does your box trigger an emotional response ? It's a direct wiring from a button on the surface of your box to an emotion linked to a story. Your Gremlin built this wiring for your survival. It's time to rewire to free yourself. |
Experiential Reality versus Verbal Reality
The PDF contains 3 experiments (Spark-38). Distinction : You experience the world before you find the words to describe that experience. You've been brought up to regard words as more important than the experience itself. This cuts you off from feeling alive. Find back to direct experience. |
Commitment and Flying
The PDF contains 2 experiments (Spark-111). Distinction : A desire requires no necessity in the universe. A commitment, even if you don't know how to get there, requires the necessity to receive knowledge and resources. So commit first, so that the universe can offer you all its abundance. |
The PDF contains 4 experiments (Spark-169). Distinction : You are responsible for the time you spend on anything, whatever it might be. Normally, you take the time to do the important and urgent things. But what do you do with the things that are not urgent, but important to you ? You report them. Instead, become a time-maker ! |
The Empty Space of Silence
The PDF contains 2 experiments. Distinction : Like every human being, you have a precious space of silence inside you. When you lose that space, you're already hooked. You become a robotic slave run by your box. Anchor yourself in your silent space as often as possible. |
The Responsible Victim
The PDF contains 3 experiments. Distinction : There are two types of victim : the first indicates a persecutor. The second type forces itself to do work against its will, presenting oneself as responsible. This makes us the responsible victim. Behind this attitude are emotions that have been denied. |
Our Assumptions
The PDF contains one experiment. Distinction : An assumption is a memetic construct. Our assumptions can be useful or worthless. It's dangerous to believe that our assumptions are reality. Be aware that all your thoughts, without exception, are nothing more than hypotheses. |
Our Underworld
The PDF contains 3 experiments. Distinction : Your Gremlin has hidden purposes. In everyday life, you deny them. There is nothing wrong with that. However, if you want real change in your life, it is necessary to reveal the shadow purposes of your Gremlin. |
The Ordinary and the Extraordinary
The PDF contains 3 experiments. Distinction : Do you feel imprisoned in obligations and necessities of daily life, in other words, restrained in ordinary life instead of living full out ? Change your point of origin. The extraordinary is possible at every moment, without any exception. |
Trust is a Decision
The PDF contains 2 experiments (Spark-18). Distinction : Do you think it is necessary to have proof before trusting someone ? No ! Trust is a decision! It means that you can take care of yourself in the presence of others. The decision to trust also implies trust in yourself. |
Our Old Wounds
The PDF is designed for a series of three meetings and contains a total of 8 experiments (Spark-217). Distinction : If you keep the memory of a wound or a trauma, you do it because there is a benefit. Your Gremlin sneakily uses the old wound as a weapon to get a license for revenge, claiming it's to protect you. It's possible to declare you un-wounded. |
Navigating Your Feelings
Le PDF contient 3 expériences. Distinction : The four colours of feelings are : anger, fear, sadness and joy. The four colours of emotions are also anger, fear, sadness and joy. The difference ? Duration ! Anything above 3 minutes left in your system is an emotion. |
Good Resolutions
Le PDF contient 4 expériences (Spark-66). Distinction : Do you keep a lot of prerequisites before you move or get into action ? This is a strategy of your Gremlin that causes procrastination. You don't need a specific feeling before doing something specific. |
The Rythme of Love
The PDF contains 3 experiments (Spark-92). Distinction : The speed of modern life is not necessarily physical, but very much in our heads. This rapidness causes the loss of the experience of love, and our heart is starving. Slow down whatever you're doing! Love has a speed limit. |
Our Values
The PDF contains 3 experiments. Distinction : Our society has noble values such as solidarity, justice, respect and so on. At the same time, we observe the existence of the opposite of these values. This is the result of our unconscious collective Gremlin. Results don't lie. |
The PDF contains 4 experiments (Spark-78). Distinction : There is a stress that exhausts you. This stress is related to the effort to look good and to blame the circumstances for your dissatisfaction with yourself. When you align yourself with your deep calling, the stress associated with it is healthy and a nutrient for your matrix. |
The Illusion of an Enemy
The PDF contains 2 experiments (Spark-42). Distinction : Your box is designed to defend itself. So it needs an enemy. If there is no enemy, it invents one, together with a story that convinces you. You can only get out of this trap by declaring your enemy to be the secret agent of your development. |
Understanding versus Not-Understanding
The PDF contains one experiment in 3 steps. Distinction : Our society values mental functioning. Your mind wants absolutely to understand, and thus narrows your world down to what you do understand. By accepting that there are much more things you don't understand, you can relax into not-knowing. |
Reducing the Now
The PDF contains 2 experiments (Spark-14). Distinction : You are used to include in your now your past, for example, in the form of emotions, and even to add your future, for example, in the form of anxiety. You need non-directive attention and awareness to reduce your now to the strict present. |
The Ego-States
The PDF contains 3 experiments. Distinction : To get out of your reactivity, you need to distinguish between your different ego-states. In addition to Eric Berne's "child", "parent" and "adult" ego states, Possibility Management has added "Gremlin", "demon" and "Being" ego-states. |
Feedback and Coaching
The PDF contains 2 experiments (Spark-21). Distinction : Feedback is always gold, no matter how it is expressed. You have a choice between applying the old map of feedback, where you hear "I did something wrong", or the new map, where you see every feedback as valuable support. |
Linearity and Non-Linearity
The PDF contains 2 experiments. Distinction : You were raised to think horizontally : chronological, causal, logical. You have forgotten that there is a vertical axis. There you find creativity, intuition, synchronicity and infinite possibilities that were invisible just before. |
The PDF contains 3 experiments. Distinction : Do you want to get rid of your fear ? Impossible ! Switch from the old map to the new map of fear so that your fear informs you and provides you with the energy you need to face the situation that triggered your fear. |
The Box
The PDF contains 4 experiments. Distinction : Psychology speaks of the ego. Possibility Management distinguishes two aspects of the ego : the box, the mechanical part, and the Gremlin, the living and intelligent part. You have to live with both. Expand your box. Initiate your Gremlin and use him. |
Five Bodies
The PDF contains 3 experiments. Distinction : Do you confuse your thoughts, emotions, energy and physical sensations ? Learn to distinguish five bodies : the physical, the mental, the emotional, the energetic and the archetypal to bring clarity to your psychic experiences. |
My Roles
The PDF contains one experiment in 6 steps. Distinction : Every day you take on roles that vary according to the time of day and the period of your life. Society has idealized models for certain roles. You can submit to them, rebel or disidentify. Have high level fun by playing conscious theater. |
My desire which brings me here
The PDF contains 4 experiments. Distinction : What desire brings me here ? What pain does the part behind the desire carry ? Who would I be if my desire were fulfilled ? Who am I here and now ? Exploring these questions aligns you and brings you into the here and now. |
Copyleft ©
All rights given.
Please share and copy anything that inspires you on this website.
If you do use any of the material please mention Ingrid Schmithüsen, Santé mentale Québec Rive-Sud
and Possibility Management as the source.
Thank you !
All rights given.
Please share and copy anything that inspires you on this website.
If you do use any of the material please mention Ingrid Schmithüsen, Santé mentale Québec Rive-Sud
and Possibility Management as the source.
Thank you !